Writing reports

When writing reports, it is important to write everything down accurately and check the details over before submitting. You should write reports in a timely manner, so you can remember everything clearly and include all the important details to allow the process to run as smoothly as possible.
All reports should be written in an objective and professional way, stating only the facts and leaving out any of your own judgements and opinions. This will ensure that the report is clear to read and contains only the important information that is required. Everything in the report should be detailed, providing as much information as possible to help the agencies understand what has happened and investigate it.
You should work collaboratively with the relevant agencies to make the report as accurate and effective as possible. If you have to attend a court hearing and provide further details, your report can be used to refer to. The agencies will know what they expect to see in an effective report and the type of information that is required for the investigation, so it is a good idea to contact them if you’re unsure about what to include or how to record it and ask them for assistance.
How to ensure your report is effective and non-judgemental:
- Only include the facts and leave out any guesses
- If you’re reporting what the child has said, write it word for word and don’t add anything to it
- Don’t include any judgements or perceptions
- Be specific and clear
- Describe everything in detail
- Contact agencies for help and advice if you’re struggling with writing the report
- Answer any further questions the agency may have accurately.